The U.S. Census Bureau
released the 2006-2010 American Community Survey Equal Employment
Opportunity Tabulation. The tabulation consists of 107 tables about the
labor force crossed by sex, race and ethnicity. The U.S. Census Bureau
has produced this tabulation after every decennial census since the
1970s. However, for the first time, this tabulation uses American
Community Survey (2006-2010) estimates.
The tabulation -- available on American FactFinder
(the Census Bureau's online statistics search tool) -- is produced for
the federal agencies responsible for monitoring employment practices and
enforcing civil rights laws for the workforce. Employers use these
estimates to measure their compliance with laws and regulations. The
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Employment Litigation
Section of the Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice, the
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs at the Department of
Labor, and the Office of Personnel Management sponsored this tabulation.
The 488 detailed occupations in the tabulation are based on the 2010 Standard Occupational Classification. A complete list of tables is available on the Census Bureau's Equal Employment Opportunity Tabulation website. Full data tables will be available for download through FTP in late December.
Source: United States Census Bureau released November 29, 2012